Talk with Markus Rath and Ines Rüttinger about Francis Bacon
In his forthcoming book on Francis Bacon's 1962 portrait, author and junior professor of art and knowledge in the cultural transformation of the early modern period, Dr. Markus Rath, discusses the interwoven motivic and biographical influences in the creation of the work now on display at MGKSiegen. His research focuses on models, moving sculptures and body paintings from the late Middle Ages to the modern era, as well as the 'Expressive Renaissance' and non-representational painting in the early modern period. The focus is on forms of representation such as stains or color fields, which serve less to depict realistic objects than to create an intense expression. The aim is to understand how color is used to convey emotions and feelings, regardless of stylistic or temporal limitations.
Dr. Markus Rath and curator Ines Rüttinger discuss these areas of research in the context of Francis Bacon's 1962 portrait from the Lambrecht-Schadeberg Collection and look at how Bacon works with color and form to achieve a deeper emotional impact.
The occasion for this talk is the publication of Markus Rath: Francis Bacon, Portrait 1962 by Deutscher Kunstverlag as the 8th volume of the MGKSiegen series on February 19. The book will be available to purchase in advance on site.
No registration required, Ticket included in admission fee.
In German spoken language.

Portrait of Markus Rath, Photo: private