Siegen ART Day
This year's Siegen ART Day will take place on 5.5.2024 with the motto "Art Bubble". On this occasion, the MGKSiegen has free admission all day. In addition to the current exhibition and the regular Sunday tour of "Museum of Shadows", there will be stations throughout the day where you can get to know the exhibited works in a different way. As in previous years, pupils from all educational institutions will once again have the opportunity to exhibit their works in the museum on Art Day! Visitors can then view them in the foyer throughout the day.
12 am–6 pm
Shadow games
Rallye for every age group with Sabrina Barbara Diehl
4 pm
Museum of Shadows
Public guided tour with Lucas Prött
In German
The Siegen ART Day is a project with many participants from the art and cultural landscape of Siegen and takes place once a year at the beginning of May. The entire program and current information can be found on the KUNSTtag website.
This year, six different groups and institutions are taking part with their own stations. In addition to MGKSiegen, Gruppe 3/55, Siegerlandmuseum, Kunstverein Siegen, ASK and the artists' collective KOLLEKTIV+, as well as freelance artist Rana Yasar are also taking part.

Students exhibit their works at the museum on the occasion of Siegen's Art Day 2019 under the motto ARTnet.