Sehen als Denken sehen
Eske Schlüters
€ 12 incl. VAT
Edited by Eva Schmidt
With a contribution by Hanne Loreck. Translation into English by Pamela Selwyn
Revolver Publishing
Eske Schlüters explores the understanding of moving images, of cinematic processes that are not guided by a stringent narrative, in single and multiple film projections, in linear and spatial montages of image and sound. The open narrative plays around conceptual thinking, unsettles it and drives it to keep moving. The projections that experiment with found material could be described as playing with words, sounds and images that always speak of their fragmentary and metaphorical character and thus of a larger context that has been lost.
ISBN 3-86588-285-4
15.5 x 24 cm
104 pages
german, english